Khayer Hat Secondary School

EIIN NO: 126227
EIIN NO: 126227
দৌলতখান , ভোলা, বাংলাদেশ।

<span;>It was the last class of the SSC examinees of the year 2024. On this occasion there was an assembly of the students of class 10 alone with the teachers. It was a arrangement and management of amusement with different decoration  including lunch box at noon and a cake of gigantic size placed on the table. More than 100 students of class ten were in the class. Few of them put on colourful dress while others were in the school dress. The advisory committee of the teachers led by headmaster M A Mannan was present in the last class with different kinds of advisce and
<span;>speech that will help the students to make up the lack of the studies for the time ahead of the S S C final examination that is to be commenced in the next February, 2024.
<span;>As a only last class of the routing in school, it offers a unique academic experience for its relatively young students. This class is perhaps best known for its colourful programs that draws the attention of the other students as well as at large.